Dota 2

Dota 2 is a strategic game for which opposite teams battle to destroy the ancient of the other. Each teams consists of 5 members each. Dota is widely known and played in lots of different countries across the world, and it has a great reputation in it. Many gamers and enthusiasts play this game for fun with their friends or just to past some time.


Dota 2 is actually a sequel, if I may say, of the popular game Defense of the Ancient that is run through the game Warcraft III: Frozen throne. The original Dota is actually just a map created by ‘Ice Frog’ which can only be played through the said game. The game was created by Valve, the one who developed the Steam program for gaming purposes which includes games that people can play, it includes the popular game Left for Dead.

Today, Dota 2 is considered one of the most popular games on its league, given that there are other games like League of Legends, Starcraft, Dragon Nest, and others. But what makes Dota 2 the top game of its league is that it attract a lot of players who wants to play a strategic game wherein at the same time they can play with their friends.

The game have achieved many recognition on its own. The launching of the game was so big that it organizes an event called as The International by which recognized teams around the world are gathered to compete with one another and win. But the catch to this gigantic event is the prize pool it offer: One Million USD.



It is surprising that a certain game that we all traditionally knew would be this big and make an international scene recognized around the world especially by gamers and the community of e-sports. Through the years, Dota 2 have developed more into a competitive strategy game which a lot of players internationally have been obsessively playing for the sake of money, yes it has become a game where everyone plays just to achieved fame and monetary reward. For me that is the greatest downfall of the game Dota, inspite of the achievements it received through the years.

Nevertheless, Dota 2 would always be a game, maybe a competition for every aspiring team to be globally recognized for their skills and talents or a game of passion for gamers who loves Dota itself, and a game is ought to be enjoyed and winning is not the only thing that matter but the pleasure the game invoke unto the person who plays it.